
What is ArchaeoVG?
ArchaeoVG stands for Video Game Archaeology. It's a collective effort that aims to preserve, document and present every item related to the SciADV universe that comes to our hands.
This website is heavily inspired by collector Artemio Urbina's effort to document every piece of information related to Snatcher, Policenauts and Metal Gear: junkerhq.net
We hope our website reaches longtime fans as well as new ones, SciADV is just the beginning. We hope to expand the concept to other video game sagas in the future.
“Science Adventure Series”, also known as SciADV, is a series of stories told through diverse entertainment media, mostly Visual Novels. Each story tells a different sub-plot which has different characters and happens during different eras. However, all these stories have some common elements that links every one with the others, forming a greater plot behind them. As the name states, all these stories have a scientific theme, each one using different scientific branches to build their plot.

The person behind all the world and concept of the SciADV is Chiyomaru Shikura. Creator, director, producer and even composer of every one of the audiovisual pieces that form his work.
Mr. Shikura was born in July 3rd, 1970, at the Saitama prefecture, in Japan. Programmer by profession and musician by conviction, in 2005 he founded 5pb., (now named MAGES), a videogame developer, animation and musical studio.
Currently, Shikura still works in Chiyomaru Studio (Chiyo St. Inc.)
The design of this web site is based on the visual style looked at the SCIENCE ADVENTURE OIOI; COLLABO SHO, This exposition was realized at Ikebukuro, Tokio, between 2018 and 2019. In this event were showed most of the SciADV physical versions.

From here onwards, a list of each one of these works will be shown, ordered by their release year. In every individual section there will be a data sheet for the respective title, an unboxing video showing all the contents of the most recent physical release of that title and photo gallery of those components.
The titles marked on grey are Japanese releases, the red titles aren't directly related to part of the SciADV universe but they have elements that link them to it, and the blue ones are western releases.
that being said, I’m grateful you are visiting this site, and I hope you can know more about this marvelous world that made me want to share it this way.
Roy Mello